12 Freezer-Friendly Baking Ingredients

Many of your staple cooking supplies are well-stowed in your pantry, but if you're looking 

for a spot to store your baking ingredients, look no further than your freezer. 

Bright and Delicious Rainbow Toast Forget the dull buttered bread and have a rainbow toast feast after dinner instead.

The calorie count, fat percentage, and carbohydrate content of a slice of whole-wheat toast topped with reduced-fat cream cheese is 172. 

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Put on your preferred garnishes, such as chopped basil and sliced strawberries or smooth avocado and cherry tomatoes

Tray of Cranberries with Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate trail mix is an excellent choice for satisfying a midnight snack craving.

In addition to making you feel full, eating almonds before bed can help you get to sleep more quickly. 

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