17 Dog Breeds Renown for Their Excellent Manners

After all, your dog will live with you for years. Discover 17 dog breeds known for their good demeanor.

Boston Terrier Massachusetts-bred Boston Terriers are affable, active, and stable.

Its short, smooth coat and simple upkeep make it excellent for companion dogs. This dog fits along with families well! 

The Bull Terrier Many people assume Bull Terriers are misbehaved due to their "menacing" appearance

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however these dogs are loving and smart, making them great family pets! The powerful British breed adapts to varied living circumstances and enjoys companionship.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are friendly, affectionate dogs

descended from English monarchy. They like family time indoors and exploring and playing. Wag says they're healthy, happy, and gentle and train well.

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