Canine-Friendly, Risk-Free Food Options

However, because peanut butter is high in fat, it may be harmful for your dog if given in excess.  

Also, according to VCA, xylitol is particularly hazardous to dogs, so be sure the peanut butter you give them doesn't contain it. 

Dogs can benefit nutritionally from eating cooked eggs in any form, including hard-boiled, scrambled, or any other variation. 

You should not give your dog eggs on a daily basis in order to keep their consumption within acceptable limits.  

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Additionally, if your dog has a medical condition like diabetes or acute pancreatitis, it should not consume eggs at all. 

Bananas are delicious and full of sweetness. Luckily, your canine companion can join you in enjoying them as well. 

On the other hand, you should only sometimes treat your dog to thin slices as a snack. 

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