Must-Have Fruits for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Blueberries were the healthiest fruits for weight maintenance because they were high in anthocyanins. 

The BMJ study discovered that each 10 mg increase in anthocyanins in one-quarter cup of blueberries reduces weight gain by a quarter-pound over four years.  

The study authors note that this may seem little, but it adds up over time.  

How flavonoids prevent weight gain is unknown, but consuming foods rich in flavonoids—like produce—may help us feel full faster and avoid unhealthy foods. 

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An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it also keeps you trim!  

Apples are one of the best fruits for weight loss due to its flavonoid polymers and fiber. 

Preventing blood sugar spikes and dips reduces food cravings and binges and prevents diabetes. 

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